Solar Company Education Series

What is solar energy and how does it work?

Welcome to Tarrant Solar’s educational page on solar energy. Here we try to answer the two-part question of what is solar energy and how does it work.

To get started, simply scroll down and begin learning.

1. The Power of the Sun

The sun emits energy in the form of solar radiation. This solar radiation is beamed to earth in the form of photon particles, which can be captured and converted into electric energy.

“The amount of sunlight that strikes the earth’s surface in an hour and a half is enough to handle the entire world’s energy consumption for a full year.” –

2. Photovoltaic Panels

Solar panels are photovoltaic panels that capture photon particles from the sun and convert them into a flow of electrons in the form of direct current electricity.

This capture and conversion is known as the photovoltaic effect. The first practical use of these panels were to power satellites. Satellites can orbit the sun at a distance allowing 24hr solar energy production!

2. Photovoltaic Panel Diagram

Here you can see a solar panel consists of an outer casing for protection. This is normally made up of aluminum and tempered glass.

Next, you have EVA sheets in front of and behind the solar cells. These layers provide flexibility and protection of the solar cells, which are quite brittle.

Solar cells come next and they can be made in a variety of ways. Here is a link to learn more about the type of solar cells commonly used today Solar Cells.

Finally, you have a back sheet for protection and a junction box for connecting power cables to it. These cables run from the panels to other critical components that we will cover next.

The panel you see to the left is the CertainTeed® Solstice Panel that we use.

Did you know that just about any semi-conductor can be used to capture solar energy? The reason silicon is used most often is because it is the 2nd most abundant element on earth next to oxygen!

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Donec tempor tortor sit amet sodales blandit. Suspendisse potenti. Proin at commodo lectus. Integer interdum interdum purus non lobortis.